Digestive System Medical Illustrations

Gallery of Illustrations of the Digestive System

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Digestive systemThe Digestive System Anatomy

The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract which is also referred to as the GI tract or digestive tract plus it has three accessory digestive organs which are the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Collectively the digestive system is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed and power the human body.

Within the digestive system the small intestine absorbs most of the nutrients in the food and the circulatory system passes them on to other parts of the body to store or use. Special cells help absorbed nutrients cross the intestinal lining into the bloodstream where by blood carries simple sugars, amino acids, glycerol, and some vitamins and salts to the liver. The liver stores, processes and delivers nutrients to the rest of the body when needed.

Digestive System Medical Illustrations

As a medical illustration studio with fully qualified medical artists, all areas of the human body are able to be illustrated in acute detail, including the anatomy of the digestive system.

We are show casing just a few of our various medical illustrations of the digestive system and associated anatomy. We have been commissioned to work for surgeon’s, educational books, patient education posters, to complement websites to medical papers and we provide medical visuals for any business in the market where clear visual interpretations are needed. All with the aim of explaining complicated medical matter into an understandable and engaging format.

Gallery of Illustrations of the Digestive System

Contact The Team

Joanna as lead artist specialises in providing custom made illustrations to suit all projects. From simple diagrams to complex anatomy, her team are always readily available to advise you on your project. In the gallery below, all medical illustrations have been completed in a digital medium, however, there is a choice. There is also watercolour, pencil, pastel, or even combining mediums. Ensuring the medical illustrations and artworks suit the project entirely.

Medical-Artist.com can provide anatomically correct drawings to full colour 2D & 3D medical illustrations, providing a flexibility that helps support communication and educate where needed. To turn medical or anatomical matter into a helpful visual for any project please contact the team here.

Gallery of Illustrations of the Digestive System

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