Prečítané: 232x
European Association of Science Editors, Guildford, UK
Prečítané: 218x
Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, USA
Prečítané: 220x
Journal, The Company of Biologists, Cambridge, UK
Prečítané: 229x
National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, MD, USA
Prečítané: 215x
Textbook, National Academy Press, Washington, USA, 1995
Prečítané: 244x
Journal, Wiley Interscience, free abstracts, paid full-text articles
Prečítané: 214x
Textbook, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, USA, published 2004
Prečítané: 223x
Scientific American Inc., New York, USA
Prečítané: 289x
National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA
Prečítané: 222x
Textbook, T. Greenhalg, British Medical Journal Publishing Group, London, UK
Prečítané: 240x
Journal, The Company of Biologists, Cambridge, UK
Prečítané: 230x
Journal, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, free registration needed
Prečítané: 214x
Book, National Academy Press, Washington, USA, published 2001
Prečítané: 430x
Journal, Oxford Journals Online, Oxford, UK
Prečítané: 218x
Journal, BioMed Central Ltd., London, UK
Prečítané: 213x
Journal, International Scientific Information, Inc., Melville, USA
Prečítané: 244x
Journal, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, USA, free abstracts, paid full-text articles
Prečítané: 222x
Journal, DOAJ, Kastrup, Denmark
Prečítané: 221x
Ottawa, Canada
Prečítané: 343x
Emory University