Prečítané: 280x
Susan Ott, University of Washington, USA
Prečítané: 295x
A.J. Chandrasekhar, Loyola University, Chicago, USA, last update 2009
Prečítané: 13762x
Scott Moses, Family Practice Notebook LLC, Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota, USA
Prečítané: 301x
J.B. West, School of Medicine, University of California, La Jolla, San Diego, USA
Prečítané: 291x
Arcot J. Chandrasekhar, Loyola Medical University, Chicago, USA (last update 2006)
Prečítané: 309x
R.L.H. Murphy, Tufts University, School of Medicine, Boston, USA
Prečítané: 379x
Tamer Fouad, Doctors Lounge, South Dakota, USA
Prečítané: 303x
Dean Jenkins, Stephen Gerred, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA, last update 1998
Prečítané: 318x
California University, last update 2000
Prečítané: 297x
Jan Thompson, San Diego School of Medicine, University of San Diego, USA
Prečítané: 287x
A.J. Chandrasekhar, Loyola University, Chicago, USA, Last Update 2001
Prečítané: 279x
Hardin Library fot the Health Sciences, University of Iowa, last update 2011
Prečítané: 291x
Textbook, Jitka Zelenkova, 2. LF UK, Praha, in Czech, 2002
Prečítané: 290x
Journal D.C. Kaelber, Academic Medicine, Association of American Medical Colleges, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA
Prečítané: 294x
The Brookside Associates, Ltd., Washington, USA, last update 2001
Prečítané: 269x
Ottawa Cardiovascular Centre, Ontario, Canada, last update 2004
Prečítané: 280x
Texas Heart Institute, Houston, USA
Prečítané: 274x
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA
Prečítané: 281x
MedCalc, last update 2010
Prečítané: 302x
Textbook, H. K. Walker, Butterworths, 1990